If you type “web design” into Google, thousands of results will be generated, with links to everything from web designers to directories featuring web designers and ebooks and even this blog. However, only ten of those sites make it to the first page. If you want more options, you have to click to the next screen.
So how do those lucky 10 make it to the top of the ranking? A major influence on search engine rankings is what is called SEO copywriting. SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is simply a technique to finding and placing certain words and phrases in your copy that will help push the Web site to the top of the heap whenever someone types in a particular search phrase.
SEO techniques also include strategically placed text within the HTML code (the underlining code used to create most Web sites).
One of the most important aspects in SEO copywriting is integrating certain words and phrases into the text. This is called keyword placement. This sounds technical, but it’s really quite simple. For example, when writing a Web site to promote your freelance copywriting services, it’s a no-brainer that you’ll have to use the term “copywriter” somewhere in the copy. Otherwise, people looking for that kind of service never find you!
Search engine companies use software programs called spiders to regularly crawl the Internet and analyze web sites. Spiders glean information from each site visited, making judgments about the content and determining how best to categorize and describe the Web site in search engine results. This is the data that search engines use to rank a Web site.
SEO copywriters take this idea a lot further. They make sure that the most popular words and phrases typed into search engines by people who are looking for copywriters, or whatever product or service that is being promoted, are mentioned in the copy. To optimize a copywriter’s Web site, you would have to integrate the follow words into the text:
• Copywriter
• Copywriting
• Copywriting services
• Marketing communications
• Freelance copywriter
• Copy
• Marketing writer
If you are interested in learning more about web design, web marketing, SEO or article marketing please email me for further information. I can provide copy that drives sales leads, online and off. Proven BLaST Creative strategies that work, from e-mail to Web to print. There will be less wasted time, you won’t be sending my copy back for endless rewrites or doing it yourself because it isn’t up to snuff. Project work delivered on time, every time.
1 comment:
Very Nice post about "BLAST Creative SEO Copywriting"
For Copy writing Work Each page can target only one or two search terms, it is to be use only require a good number of pages to be made-over in order to target all the required search terms.
SEO Copywriting Uk
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