Okay, so you have a name for your site and web hosting, are you ready for the next step? If so, then let’s go. What exactly do you want your website to do? What are you trying to achieve?
Set realistic goals that are achievable. Are you trying to sell a product? Or a service? Is your site going to be showoff family pictures or are you planning on using it for advocacy? It’s important that you only set one or two goals for your site. If you have an over abundance of goals, you’ll set yourself up for failure.
Your goal can assist you in the decision making process for your site, helping you to create the perfect site. Ask you make decisions for you site, make sure that they are inline with your goals. Stick to your goals.
Small text looks nicer, but larger text is more readable. Verdana font size 12, is the most easily read text on the net. Make sure that your headers are Bold and you have plenty of keywords that pertain to your site, but don’t do an overkill on the keywords.
Once you’ve done this, then you’ll need to decide who your targeted audience and create a call to action. If your site is for business, then you’ll want your customers to make a purchase. If your site is non-commercial, what exactly do you want your viewers to do?
How do you get your viewers to do what you want? That’s simple, you have to ask them and your request needs to be obvious. They have to see your call to action button, for more info click here, to buy, click here, it must clear to your viewer what you want them to do.
Your entire site, from the design to the writing, should be focused on getting your viewers to engage in the action that you’ve requested. For some sites like Amazon, the action they want the viewer to perform might be to make an online purchase, but for others it could simply be tempting your viewer to make a phone call or send an email.
No matter what you choose to have for your call to action, you need to understand your target audience in order to get them to perform it. It your targeted crowd is under 25, you can use abbreviated scripts like BTW for by the way, they are all texters and that is their language. If it’s for an older generation, they aren’t going to understand the lingo. So be sure that you are talking to your targeted audience in your script.
I hope that this information has been helpful. If you are interested in learning more about web design, web marketing, SEO or article marketing please email me for further information. I can provide copy that drives sales leads, online and off. Proven BLaST Creative strategies that work, from e-mail to Web to print. There will be less wasted time, you won’t be sending my copy back for endless rewrites or doing it yourself because it isn’t up to snuff. Project work delivered on time, every time.
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